Category Archives: Language

Do you speak MBAese?

Came across this word (MBAese) in Urban Dictionary and smiled at how precisely it defines this extremely complicated though extremely meaningless language top managers tend to use.

Here’s the exact definition of MBAese: “The indecipherable language taught in MBA factories where the user has mastered the art of using large, multisyllabic words to make meaningless, intelligent sounding action statements.”

And the example given vividly illustrates this concept:

The presenter stated in MBAese, “We are aggressively leveraging existing assets to affect a paradigm shift interdepartmental synergy.”

which actually says: We got a loan to buy a new phone, and then called Steve from HR.

It’s just amazing how seemingly difficult one can express their thoughts and how little sense it actually makes when put simple.

So, don’t overcomplicate things, this doesn’t show you are smart but clearly shows you pretend to be smart. The real art is explaining complex issues in simple words. Be accessible!